Employee looking to the side

South Fork Wind:
Making positive impacts
on local communities

Our place in your community

Meet the people behind the turbines

These are just a few of the hundreds of New Yorkers behind South Fork Wind. They are ironworkers, engineers, electricians, and conservationists. They’re experienced construction workers, trade apprentices, and small business owners with family-sustaining jobs and training opportunities.   

We could tell you that projects like South Fork Wind create thousands of long-term and temporary jobs. That offshore wind supports training programs, funds scientific research, and offers opportunities to underserved communities. But we’d rather you hear it from the people behind the turbines – the workers who’ve brought South Fork Wind to life. 

Watch the video →

Helicopter and a man smiling
Employee working
Employee laughing
Employee smiling

Ever since I was a little girl, I was always doing projects with my hands. These days I’m a local 361 ironworker, putting together monopiles for the offshore wind turbines that will power schools, hospitals – my whole community.

Aleshandra Ferandes Ironworker Southampton, NY

community corner

Get answers to your questions

South Fork Wind is a big first for New York, and it's natural to have questions. You can reach out to our team to get answers about the project

project details

Looking for more information?

From project timelines, to construction milestones, to clean energy benefits, there’s plenty more to learn about South Fork Wind.  

As you might guess, New York has incredibly high energy demand. When I heard that we were getting our own offshore wind farm, I was super excited. I couldn’t be prouder that New York is leading the way on this.

Jessica James
Montauk, NY

Working hand-in-hand with mariners

The ocean is a shared resource, and we take great care to ensure that offshore wind and wildlife coexist and thrive.

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Latest news

South Fork Wind is a constantly evolving project with many phases and stakeholders. Check out the latest local news and updates from the project, and keep up to date on new construction, investments, and partnerships. 
Wind turbines in water

Revolution Wind

We’re following up South Fork Wind with Revolution Wind, bringing offshore wind to Rhode Island.   
Employee smiling

Get in touch with us

Are you looking for more information about the offshore wind industry? We would love to hear from you if you have questions to our project or what we do in your community.