Notice of Intent to Commence Construction

On March 18, 2020, the New York State Public Service Commission (“Commission”) issued a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need (“Certificate”) to South Fork Wind, LLC (“SFW”) (formerly known as Deepwater Wind South Fork, LLC) to construct and operate the South Fork Export Cable Project (“SFEC” or “Project”), an approximately 7.6-mile long 138-kilovolt (“kV”) alternating current transmission line and associated interconnection facility in the Town of East Hampton in Suffolk County. The SFEC will transmit electricity produced by the South Fork Wind Farm, to be located 35 miles off of the coast of Montauk, to the existing electric grid in the Town of East Hampton. A map of the SFEC route is provided below.
On November 22, 2021, the Commission approved an Environmental Management and Construction Plan (“EM&CP”) for the SFEC. The EM&CP details the Project design, and provides both typical and site-specific techniques, procedures, and requirements to be followed in the construction of the SFEC by SFW to ensure environmental protection and maintain public health and safety.
Construction of the Project is anticipated to commence on or about January 28, 2022.
An electronic version of the EM&CP is available for public inspection online on the Commission’s Document and Matter Management page for this case at the following location: https://documents.dps.ny.gov/public/MatterManagement/CaseMaster.aspx?Mattercaseno=18-T-0604. The EM&CP can also be found by visiting the Commission’s web site (http://www.dps.ny.gov), clicking the “Search” tab, and entering “18-T-0604” in the “Search by Case Number” box.
The EM&CP is also available for public inspection during normal business hours at:
The East Hampton Library
159 Main Street
East Hampton, NY 11937
Additional information may be obtained and concerns regarding construction of the Project may also be made by calling (631) 887-5470 or contacting:
Ray Collins | External Affairs Coordinator | South Fork Wind, LLC | 524 Montauk Highway, Amagansett, NY 11930 | Phone: (631) 887-5470 | E-mail: info@southforkwind.com.
Case 18-T-0604 – Notice of Intent To Commence Construction
Inquires and/or concerns may also be submitted online at https://southforkwind.com/contact-us. Further information about the Project also may be obtained by visiting the Project website at https://southforkwind.com.
The Project is under the jurisdiction of the New York State Public Service Commission, which is responsible for enforcing compliance with the Certificate and EM&CP. The Commission may be contacted as follows:
Hon. Michelle Phillips | Secretary of the Commission | New York State Department of Public Service | Three Empire Plaza, Albany, NY 12223-1350 | Phone: 518-474-6530 | Fax: 518-486- 6081 | E-mail: secretary@dps.ny.gov